
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Before coming on the race I thought that God only used people that are fully equipped, people who speak really good Spanish and people who know God more than me. 


Well I was completely wrong and Jesus turned my thoughts completely around! The Lord has shown me that all I need is for my hands to be open so that I can grab his. He wants me to bring everything I have, like everything! In the Bible Jesus did an incredible thing with a boys lunch; the boys gave up their five loves and two fish and then Jesus was able to multiply it and feed thousands of people! Thats what the Lord wants to do with me!



While being in Guatemala, I have had to get out of my comfort zone in more ways than one. I have had to bring all I have so that God can do the rest. The gospel is so urgent, and people are ready to hear about it in our world. The Lord wants to bring his kingdom here on earth and he wants to establish his kingdom through me and his children! I said yes to Jesus, so I say yes to whatever he wants. A lot of days here look like simply going into cities and villages and loving the people there by building the Lords kingdom. It looks like sharing the biggest truth out there! Jesus is alive and he wants a relationship with you!! So I am running with this mission and bringing all I have -everyday that the Lord has me here!


I am giving everything and pushing everything aside for Jesus. I decided to throw away the fact that I don’t know much Spanish, as well as every single ounce of any insecurities. After I let go of this fact, I have been seeing God move abundantly! With simply loving the person in front of me, they are seeing Jesus. They are seeing Jesus through the simple Spanish prayers I am able to pray, because thats all I had. I gave the rest of my money to a mom, so she could buy a cake for her sons birthday. I spent the afternoon with a women, simply just to talk with her. I brought all I have and Jesus changed their lives through the me simply bringing all I have for the kingdom everyday!


 All I need is what the Lord has already given me and that is an eager and willing heart! God has used me in so many ways to touch the lives of the people here. I wonder how much more the Lord can do here with the simple loaves and fish that I bring. 


One response to “All I brought were my loaves and my fish”

  1. Love love love your heart, Kaitlyn!!! Thank you for bringing all you have…. thank you for allowing Him to fill you, and pouring Him right back out… thank you for being willing! Praying for y’all!