
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration



So many times I’ve had to take an Uber to get back and forth from different places in Antigua and the surrounding cities. And so many times I’ve been beyond encouraged , and blessed by Uber drivers. Here are some of the inspiring stories from inside the Uber.



One thing that is very hard with covid, is the lack of community , the lack of relationships. Because here in Guatemala , people went a long time without simply getting to leave their homes. So finally getting to be out, people are diving deep into community. The beautiful people here are looking for something, they are striving to find people to do life with and simply have someone to talk to and share what has been laying on their hearts for a long time. They are looking for God. 


Well when you’re with someone in a car for more than five minutes , you’re stuck with them and thats the perfect time for ministry. As a child of god I carry so much with me, because  I have the Lord with me. So why not share the goodness of God with people. 




I met Rodrigo, a man of the Lord, father, and husband, who poured out his heart to us, as he shared with us the hardships of raising a family during a pandemic. From the deepest place of his heart He shared with us the painful part of how Covid has impacted him and everyone he knows. People he knows have died from covid, he was struggling to provide food on the table, because he lost his job. But one thing he did was that he never gave up. Rodrigo knows that God will provide everything for him, as long as he puts his trust in him. How incredible, I can learn a lot from Rodrigo! To have nothing in life is amazing, cause all you need is the Lord.




These people are more than Uber drivers , they are real humans with hardships, trials, and painful parts to their stories. I have loved being able to simply listen to these children that God calls his own. I have been able to pray over countless people and watch God bring breakthrough and revelation to his many children. Ive seen God provide for his children and bring fiancées , where there were none. I have seen the Lord show up and provide for his children.  I never understood the impact a thirty minute or even five minute car ride could make. 


Our God is so good and I know for a fact that God have placed every person in my life for a reason. Weather its for them to encourage me in my faith or share the life-giving gospel with them for the first time. So one thing I have learned is that you never know what a simple meeting with someone can do. God wants nothing more than to see people come back to him. Sometimes it’s someone on the street or an Uber driver. Never discount what God can do through a simple interaction. Jesus did a lot of ministry as he went from place to place and its so cool because we can do that as well. So what are you going to do with the time that you have with going from place to place


Now lets go and make more disciples and love on some beautiful people. 

2 responses to “Life change from inside the Uber”

  1. Love this and love your question… what a wonderful reminder of how beautiful it is for us to always be intentional! Thank you so much for sharing this, Kaitlyn!