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Time and time again, I get to learn that God is more concerned with our trust than our talent. 

More committed to our character than our career. 

And, more interested in obedience than opportunity. 

I have to be honest its frustrating not knowing the next plan and not being able to plan. Thats just the truth plain and simple. Because of my desire to get what I want when I want it , I rush EVERYTHING and then I try to put God somewhere in between all that. I set my expectations high, set my own schedule and start racing towards the finish line and when these high expectations aren’t meant I get frustrated. But God has been speaking to my heart. God doesn’t want my speed, my hard work, my mighty effort. HE wants my Trust.

He wants my everyday plans, my dreams, my fears, my hopes, my ideas, My failures, My busyness. He wants ALL of me. and to fully Trust in God means to allow God to enter my plans .

Trust is fully and completely surrendering to God and allowing him to lead your life. 

God is never accidental, Everything he does has a purpose. Sometimes the wait that we experience is for God to align the others parts of the plan. sometime the wait is so he can align the pieces of ourown heart. As much as we want to get that boyfriend now or new job. Sometimes we need to wait. we have more to learn, more to change, and more to grow. this isn’t always easy, For God to change us , we needs to be completely still and  If God Knows me and holds the whole world in his hands than, why hold onto my own plans. 

In a million years , I never thought I would go on the world race, like what!!!  I thought I would at least go to school like everyone thought I would, or continue working , but God interrupted my plans, that I thought were good for my life and changed them for his glory. looking back i was upset with every little bit of change , but now knowing that God holds my world , I can live in freedom.

I am right where he needs me and that’s all he wants of me right now. 

“But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!” Habakkuk 2:3 


  1. I love this truth that we get to hold onto daily! What an amazing God we serve! I’m so proud of your willingness to let go of your plans and desires to follow His plans and desires for your life. Continue to hold onto His truth daily! Love you!