
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

What if you got up right now and talked with that neighbor, that person that hates you. What if you had lunch with them, and showed them you cared for them. what if you invited them to church instead of gossiping about them. What if we prayed for our enemies. What if you showed them the love of Jesus instead of showing them the door. In life we all have enemies, we all have those people we wished we didn’t know. We all ask this question, Why would I love them? 

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors and also our enemies. woah! It is easy to say we love each other, but to actually love that person that curses you out for believing in Jesus or that person that doesn’t believe the same political ideology as you do, now its not so easy. Jesus did not call us to love our fellow Christians, but to love everyone. 

Let me paint this picture. In the gospel of mark, a teacher of the law came up to Jesus and asked him, ”Of all the commandments which is the most important. The most important one Jesus answered, Is this, Love the lord your God with all your soul, your mind, and all your strength. The second is love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

It’s easy to love those who love us and to love God, but what about loving those who hate us?  Jesus tells us to “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:27-28) Loving our neighbor is not just suggested, its commanded, and it doesn’t have a clause that says, “Only if.” Jesus didn’t seem to leave any exceptions for loving others


This is our call as believers to love others. Living a God honoring life starts with loving others.

 Jesus did not come down to earth to just die for YOU. He died for that inmate in jail that did an unspeakable crime. He died for the prostitute that stands on your street corner every night. He died for the orphan child who was abandoned by his parents. He died for the teenager that just told his parents he was gay. Every person is precious to Jesus and Jesus came to seek and save the one that is disconnected from God, and as christ followers we need change the way we view people and just love them just as much was Jesus does. What would our homes and schools look like if the love of Jesus was showed to people instead of hate.



  If we want to change the world, let’s start with loving our neighbors and the rest will follow. Every time God puts a person in your life he is giving you an opportunity to grow in love and be more like him. when we love one another, the divine image of God shines straight through you. Let’s be Gods hands and feet and love with no fear or masks. Lets Go and love! 

Until next time. Love God, Love People,

Make a Difference, and Be thankful.